Vision & Goal 비전 및 교육목표
Our vision and mission are rooted in the words of Deuteronomy 6:4-9: to develop students who ‘love God and know Him with all their heart’.
Academically, it is to build skills that will enable them to excel in any area; character-wise, it is to display the character of Christ in every moment of their lives. Students will develop not only the skills to learn, but also a soul that loves to learn, and a mindset and habit of learning that will last a lifetime. Students will be trained to live each day to be more like Jesus and love God. With all our strength, knowledge, and heart, we train our students to live lives that are pleasing to God and that bring glory to God. Our hope is that students so trained will be the light and salt of the earth, spreading the gospel in every corner of the world, and becoming leaders who love and serve their neighbors.