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We believe in utilizing the trivium because it is developmentally appropriate for children as they progress toward adulthood. Accordingly, our program is divided into the Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric stages. At SICA, the Grammar Stage also includes the kindergarten class, collectively referred to as the Primary Stage.
While each stage is unique in its focus, it also incorporates minor elements of the other two.
This differs greatly from progressive teaching methods, which emphasize foundational knowledge, critical and logical thinking, and rhetorical ability throughout each stage equally, ignoring students' developmental readiness in any given stage.

Charlotte Mason Education
SICA follows Charlotte Mason's educational philosophy.
🚩Who is Charlotte Mason?
Charlotte Mason (1842-1923):
English educators, reformers, and writers

The education that Charlotte Mason says :
It does not mean that we should create an artificial environment for children,
but we should use opportunities in the environment where children already
live for education.
#Picture/Nature Study
#Living Books etc.
Training is needed to ensure that the child has good habits and self-control.
Education should be applied throughout life beyond just academic learning.
#Living Books
- Engaging and Well-Written
- High Literary Quality
- Ideas Over Facts
- Firsthand and Original Sources
Emphasized living books, nature study, narration, and short, varied lessons.
Emphasize living books, natural learning, narration, and short and varied classes.
SICA Stage
Primary Stage : Kindergarten
Grammar Stage: Grades 1-6
Logic Stage: Grades 7-8
Rhetoric Stage: Grades 9-12

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